After such a beautiful WARM week, September turned into October, turned into fall! Luckily, it's still sunny, but cools in the evening and is getting dark earlier - which means stitching time! Time to bring out the Christmas ornament designs we meant to make last year (or, we have lots of new ones here from which you can choose!) - in time for our annual contest! Entries are due November 27, and can be cross stitched, beaded, blackwork or Hardanger, and need not be original - just tell us where the design is from because people want to know - and we have a new tree upon which to hang them!
It's our 20th year! - but we've only had - 2? - 4? - trees - they do last pretty well. We've wanted the convenience of a pre-lit tree for several years now (at home the sweet hubby does the lights - here it's Sandy's NOT favorite task), and finally found a great deal after Christmas last year, hurray! Still, Sandy's hoping Reta will have it all set up on Nov. 26, while she's still gone on vacation. :-)
Even if you don't enter, do come in to see them and vote on people's choice, and get some great finishing ideas. There's a gift for everyone who enters, plus prizes for three places and people's choice. Our perennial second place winner has moved out of the area - will she mail one in?? :-)
Debbie Mumm Dancing Reindeer kits from Mill Hill; Fjord Ponies from Ink Circles; new thread colors from The Gentle Art; new fabric colors from Picture This Plus (ask about our Surprise monthly fabric - you choose the type, count and size cut, we choose the color); annual Santas from Lizzie Kate - socks and underwear anyone!? :-)
There are new designs from the Stitching Studio, birds and animals with their native Alaskan counterparts; Alma Lynne's state samplers and "She Who Buys The Most Fabric Wins", Clementine Cloth Collector! is back; Bewitching Cross Stitch from Joan Elliott; fabulous Laurel Burch bags from Nordic Needle; and as always, these are just the tip of the iceberg. And that "Yucky, Yummy" at the top? - Sublime Stitching embroidery designs ("Not your mother's embroidery") are now available to us through Hoffman (see link at right). Check them out! Come in to see what's new!
Sandy will be gone October 22 and 23, and November 12 - 26; the shop will be staffed each of those days from 11 to 3, so please don't hesitate to stop in - special orders are always accessible, too.
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