Thursday, April 03, 2008

Who Knew?!

I thought I was the only one - ! Of course, we don't have major league ball here, but we certainly do have baseball!

Promote Needlearts — Celebrate Traditions — Strengthen Community

Celebrating the needlearts
& baseball!
WHAT is Stitch N’ Pitch?
Stitch N’ Pitch brings together two wonderful traditions – Baseball and the Needlearts. Every season, Major League Baseball (MLB) and The National Needlearts Association (TNNA) hold Stitch N
Pitch events. Fans sit together in a special section, work on their crochet, cross-stitch, embroidery, knitting or needlepoint projects, cheer on their favorite team, and celebrate the needlearts. Our events attract a unique mix of folk — men, women, boys, girls, old, young, stitchers and baseball fans. Click here for Stitch N’ Pitch Gallery. At each ballpark, there is a Stitch N’ Pitch Expo that may include demonstrations, giveaways or needlearts contests.

Needlearts gets media coverage!

WHY Stitch N’ Pitch?
Stitch N’ Pitch is one of TNNA's successful outreach programs that creates high visibility of the needlearts within the general public. The event is fun and quirky and gets us some important recognition. In 2007, we had over 15,000 fans attend our events with major national press coverage in media outlets like New York Times, Washington Post, Sports Illustrated, and The Associated Press. We have had over 2 million hits to our Stitch N’ Pitch website from interested fans from all over the world!

TNNA members, guilds,
groups and more participate!

WHO makes Stitch N’ Pitch Happen?
Each metropolitan area has a local Stitch N’ Pitch Committee that works with the MLB Team to promote each event. Committees are comprise of TNNA members, guilds, and other interested groups who see the value in this program.

WHEN and WHERE is Stitch N’ Pitch?

At the ballpark!

The baseball season runs from April to October. More than 85% of MLB Teams (> 25 Teams) are holding a Stitch N’ Pitch in 2008 in major metropolitan areas! In 2008, TNNA is expanding the program to Stitch N’ Pitch at Minor League Baseball (MiLB) venues across the country. To find a Stitch N’ Pitch event near you check out our Calendar Schedule.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Spring Cleaning?!

WHAT?! Who wants to do that when there's stitching to be done? But this is advice from Nordic Needle's newsletter about cleaning your needlework:

As a follow-up to a previous discussion, Frances D. from Minnesota wrote. “In late August I wrote to ask for help in cleaning my cross-stitch pieces that had been damaged by a faulty furnace that created an oily soot on everything in my sewing room. I got several helpful responses from your readers, but the tip that worked the best for me was from Sherryl who suggested using Murphy's Oil Soap. I was unable to find the Murphy's Oil spray as she suggested, but I diluted the regular kind and followed her directions otherwise. In case someone else should encounter a similar problem, this is what I did."

Sounds extreme, but it worked!

Spring into action: There's still plenty of time to stitch Habitat for Humanity pillows, from a free design by Count Your Blessings, for the annual auction (in August) - a quick and fun design, and a painless donation to your community. We'll even give you a remnant to use!

Spring a bookmark on an unsuspecting reader! The Bookmark Challenge is in full swing - and we have free patterns and remnants - you could win a $100 gift certificate from Nordic Needle! Just have them to Sandy's by April 30.

is also the time to think of Moms and weddings, graduations and dads (and baseball?! - we watched our neighbor's son pitch in last night's Little League opening game, and were reminded of how we miss those frequent evenings at the COLD ballpark - and all the "down" time Sandy used to stitch there!). There are plenty of wonderful things to stitch for all those occasions (even baseball!), and we'd love to show you some - new designs from Lizzie Kate, Prairie Schooler, Silver Lining (pictured above, Sandy and Marc Saastad, designer), Mirabilia, Lavender & Lace, so many more.

Also check out the semi-annual online trade show with over 120 vendors!, April 16 - 21, daily doorprizes, things you'll not see elsewhere that we can get for you.