What a fun trip! There's always so much to see and BUY at this trade show - and the flights and drives were smooth - AND we got to have lunch in Minnesota (four hour layover!) with Sandy's Dad (Mom was ill), youngest brother and oldest sister-in-law - at the "destination" Mall of America, since you can't even meet for coffee at the Minneapolis airport these days. (The site of the Mall was the Minnesota Twins' stadium when Sandy grew up there, oh so long ago - a conversation with a security checker about that caused quite a delay... :-)
Come in to see what we brought back - with more arriving via the usual shipping channels. Weeks Dye Works and The Gentle Art have new threads; Picture This Plus as new hand dyed fabrics; X's and Oh's has a wonderful 2009(!) calendar out already; Glendon Place has several beautiful monochromatic designs with lovely sayings; new children's kits called "Grandma and Me" by Designs from Pamela will provide a change of pace for those precious beginners; Hob Nobbs to delight as always, Val's Stuff, Rosewood Manor, Eric Michaels, Hands to Work, La D Da, Brittercup, SamSarah, cute, cute, cute!! (There are flyers to peruse if you're not into cute. :-)
Then there's Sisters and Best Friends - they are now two companies (AB Designs and Wildflower Stitchery), but still friends - so they have twice the cute (sorry, I'm just into cute!)!
Habitat for Humanity project - We have ten stitched pieces already! Count Your Blessings sent us a dozen Mary Engelbreit fabric tuckaway pillows, what a great start! She also sent a gift for each stitcher - and we have some left, so do bring in your stitched piece - no need to do any finishing! We're hoping to raise a nice piece of change for our local organization.