"This wasn't supposed to happen to me!" The Geekster (a local computer repair service) echoed my exact words - it's what everyone says. BUT I had everything backed up - BUT it's not there! I still don't understand it, but have been in the process of fixing and re-entering everything I can find - which does not include a lot of email and snail mail addresses for all of YOU! Please send us an email when you read this so you can also be resurrected - sandystitch@gorge.net - THANKS!!
Meanwhile, life goes on, and merchandise continues to arrive - stop by to see what's new! Fabrics, books - Halloween and fall designs, Thanksgiving and Christmas - there are lots of beautiful new things to stitch! And some of us are doing baby samplers, again! Sandy's expecting grandchild #5 just before Thanksgiving, is doing the "high chair baby" from Imaginating's Gift From God leaflet - because the baby looks so much like all of her grandkids, so adorable, of course! :-) (You can see it on Hoffman.)
Also, watch for our new website at www.sandys-stitch-niche.com - right now it looks like graph paper - not bad, but it's a pretty blank chart! :-) (The address works with or without the dashes - please add it to your favorites, and we'll let you know here [or by email if we have your address] when it's functional.)