We hope you had a great Christmas! Ours was shared with our children and grandchildren, so it was very special; those grandkids are sooo much fun!
It was also shared by our wonderful stitchers, eight of whom brought their beautiful Christmas ornament creations for the month of December - our tree was lovely - and Sandy forgot to take a picture!!
Winners were: First place, $15 gift certificate, Marie Huntington, Partridge in a Pear Tree; Second place, $10 gift certificate, Reta Holland, Ladybug Diamond; Third place, $5 gift certificate, Ada Marie Haake, Roly Poly Santa; and People's Choice, two Christmas leaflets from Knotted Tree NeedleArt, Reta's Ladybug again. (She says ladybugs are Christmas good luck in Germany.) Congratulations, and thanks to all who entered - each entrant got a Christmas ornament pattern with a Sampler thread and fabric to make it.
To begin the new year, we drew three winners from 2005's filled book cards; winners are Mary Beth Thouvenel, Sandy Hoyt and Pam Shelquist, each of whom got to choose a large cross stitch collection book, such as 365 Alphabets, a $21.95 value. Congratulations! It's fun for us to collect the cards during the year as they are turned in for a free book up to a $10 value - your thirteenth is free - and then to give away more yet. Free is Sandy's favorite thing!
We're still hosting two groups, Wednesday mornings from 10 to noon, and a Hardanger group on the second and fourth Tuesday evenings, 7 - 9 pm. Come join us! The Hardanger group earns a 10% discount on Hardanger materials those evenings, so come down, stitch, visit and shop!
We'll be off to the Cash and Carry trade show Feb. 10-13; the shop will be open, 11 - 3, and there are already lots of new things in stock - on the 14th there will be lots more! Mill Hill's new spring pins will be here soon, really cute as always - there's a Fishing Frog!, and Antique Daisy, and four more cuties; Lizzie Kate's Flip Its for 2006 are twelve darling Christmas "littles" with no-sew finishing - Sandy bought a new wreath to hang them on, but they also offer a cute Feather Tree - it actually has feathers! If you're interested, come look - or check their website - so we can pick one up for you in Nashville.
Another exhibitor whom we have not seen there in many years (she can't keep up!), Hob Nobb Designs, will be showing new designs; if you've done any of their quick designs with their really darling intricate button embellishments, you'll want to come in for those; we still have a few from the last order, which also included some new ones.
Picture This Plus will be showing new hand dyed fabric colors; theirs are also available in Aida, a real bonus. They're colorfast, not too expensive, and really fun to stitch on. The photo is one of the two Cancer pillows Sandy did for Christmas, on their Cherub Cashel, for her two sisters-in-law who are celebrating 5 years cancer-free. She's pleased to report that they were tickled by them. (They use Just Another Button Co. buttons, on their own free pattern.)
We always have lots of free patterns to give away; Just Another Button Co. has one every month, using their buttons, of course - Wichelt sends us one - Lizzie Kate and many others have theirs online. We'll bring back LOTS from the Nashville Show. We love to sell books, our bread and butter, so to speak, but we use the freebies often, too. They're great for new ideas and inspiration, and we love to share. All you have to do is stop in!