Actually, it’s a cool day today as I write this, but we all know that won’t last. My sweet hubbie is at this very minute installing (at long last!) an air conditioner in our bedroom, hurray! These hot flashes have gone on for so many years, and seem worse in the heat. Sweet relief!
“At least it’s dry here.” J We went to the trade show in Columbus, Ohio in June, where it was quite warm and humid. Reminded me of growing up in Minnesota, “for sure”! But we did see – and buy – lots of wonderful
things there. Designs are coming from several new companies as well as old favorites, including: Shepherd's Bush; darling new Doodles from Hob-Nobb (they go quickly - you may have easily missed them last time!); Custom House (samplers); new French companies, Dessins DHC and Filanthrope (the cutest dragons, Oriental calligraphy!, darling elves and birds); Bizzi Creations (the sweetest dog and cat and Friendship Poem); local designer (Portland area but Jamie's from LaGrande!) The Knotted Tree; Just My Imagination (Beeline and 6 Stockings in a Row, so cute! - also ordered a special frame for them); Funk & Weber (Illusions - Ambigram - What in the World - VERY intriguing - and some cute critters); Angel Stitchin' (adorable patterns with frames - such as My Name is No, No, Bad Dog); Sisters and Best Friends; Mosey 'n' Me (CUTE Santas!); Cross My Heart (Smoky Mountain Christmas, from a beautiful painting by Linda Kotila; Valerie Pfeiffer (Chorus Line, SIX of those adorable birds)...just for starters! New hand dyed fabrics, including Aida, are lovely!, and both Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads have luscious new colors.
Mill Hill's Christmas kits are here - Christmas in July! This year they've done a set of mitten ornaments (see Sandy’s snowman), pins (an angel, two Santas, two Snowmen and a tree - they can also be made up as ornaments), and six new beaded and buttoned kits, all adorable of course! (The fall kits are here, too.)
We saw a Christmas tree with all the ornaments made up from the annual Just CrossStitch Christmas Ornament issue- wonderful! We can still add you to our special order list - but don't delay in calling or emailing.
If you complete your entry before fair time, you can enter it there, too – no time like the present!
Bring your child to Wednesday’s stitch group; you can each make one! We have a free beginning kit to give the first four youngsters who come with an adult.
Pick up a form to give a friend; when she/he uses it for an introductory discount, you will also receive a special discount. And for each form returned and used, your name will go into a special prize drawing for that month.
After 15 years we’re seriously considering not renewing our bulk mail. Fees and postage are so expensive – and the web is free! We’ll post news on the Web Log (Blog) periodically, as well as pictures and events, and may send an occasional email notice of an online newsletter. can be accessed any time, and you can write back, too. So, if you don’t receive another snail mail, you know where to find us! Please tell your friends, and please let us know your email address. “See” you online!
STITCH GROUPS - Cross Stitch Wednesdays, 10 A.M. to noon Free
Have fun brushing up or finishing something, or just
making some progress with other fanatics .
Hardanger 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 7 – 9 P.M. (no group Aug. 9) Work on your own project, with help available.
10% discount on Hardanger materials purchased.